Shine a Light On It

Among the masses of people in this world, some humans catch my eye, tickle my funny bone, or otherwise make me feel that I must photograph them. They are individuals who own a special something that defies words. They remind me that people are miracles–and that the uniqueness of each of the billions of people on Earth is itself a miracle. There are infinite combinations of looks, temperaments, talents, and quirks. And each of those can take on a different appearance when seen in different light. Sometimes features are hidden in the shadows, only appreciated when we shine a light on them.

This young lady is one of those people that inspires me. When I met her, she seemed a bit unsure about being photographed. But she has an air about her and a style that is all her own. She doesn’t pretend to feel something she doesn’t feel or to want something she doesn’t want. She showed a lot of energy at the beginning of the shoot, hamming it up for the camera and striking amazing poses. As time went on, she took on a more subdued frame of mind, which fit her personality just as well. When she held her violin, she went into a violin-playing world. This girl brought it all, making no attempts to hide any aspect of her personality. She needed only allow the light to hit her to show it off.

In his book, The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis talked about glimpses of Heaven seen on Earth and how an artist could find success on Earth because he was able to paint those glimpses. His talents highlighted these little bits of Heaven so that others could appreciate them as well. (Full disclosure: That was not the point of the conversation in the book. But the thought resonated deeply with me.)

Photography is the medium that gives me opportunities to capture everyday moments and people– everyday miracles. On this day, I felt enamored, delighted, moved, and even surprised at times. And I wanted to create images that tangibly bundle those feelings for her parents. These photos are a way for them to stop time and appreciate their daughter and the way she makes them feel. They can turn to them later on–as she changes and they change. In ten years, they will see the special qualities she held at age 12 and find them still there at age 22–though they may take on different appearances in different light.

A preteen girl shows her light and funny side as she plays to the camera during her studio photo session.
Serious studio photograph of a tween girl, looking serious in her glasses.
Studio photograph of a tween girl. Her rests her arm casually on the side of a chair.
Photograph of a tween girl  who slouches on a chair, her legs hanging over the arm of the chair.
Black and white photograph of a preteen girl who plays to the camera during her studio photo session.
A preteen girl lets her light shine as she strikes a pose during a studio photo session.
Studio photograph of a preteen girl who strikes an angular pose during her photo session.
Black and white photograph of a preteen girl who rests her chin thoughtfully on her folded hands.
Studio photograph of a preteen girl who rests her chin thoughtfully on her folded hands.
A beauty light setup showcases the natural beauty of this smart preteen girl.
Black and white closeup photograph of a preteen girl resting her chin on the end of her violin.
Studio photograph of a preteen girl resting her chin on the end of her violin.
Studio photograph of a young violin player whose face is framed by her instrument.
Black and white studio photograph of a young female violin player whose face is framed by her instrument.
A young female violin player clutches her instrument as she is bathed in soft light and engages with the viewer.
Black and white photograph of a young female violin player who clutches her instrument as she is bathed in soft light and engages with the viewer.
Black and white photograph of a young female violin player standing in the spotlight as she plays.
Studio photograph of a young female violin player standing in the spotlight as she plays.
A young girl faces the light as she holds her violin at her side in a contemplative manner.

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